Developmental Delays in Children – Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Them

Witnessing the wonder and adventure of your child as they learn new things is one of the best things in the world. A lot of this growth happens in the first few years of their little lives. However, parents with children with developmental delays can feel overwhelmed when it comes to influencing their child’s development.

There are things that parents dealing with this situation can do to help their child make progress. Here are some suggestions that you may want to incorporate into your daily life.


There are many games and activities that can help you develop these skills. Spending time playing with tactile toys such as slime or playdough can develop fine motor skills. You can also get them to help you work in the garden, as digging helps to build motor skills.

Go to the playground for the day and let them have fun on the playground. Interacting with other children and doing activities that require motor skills will help them build these key skills. It also helps them with social skills such as sharing and understanding the importance of rules.

Using Pictures

Children with developmental delays have difficulty understanding verbal instructions. Their lack of understanding may be frustrating for you, but it is equally frustrating for them. You may need to try different ways to teach them and explain things.

It may help to impart information to your child in a more visual way. You can use charts or pictures to describe in detail their daily routine and the tasks you need them to do. Then, when you give them instructions, you can point out what details you need from them.


Communication is vital, not only with the child, but with the people who work with them. This can include teachers or developmental counselors. By keeping them in the loop and knowing what they are doing, you will be able to better support each other and help your child develop the skills they need in life.

You’ll also want to stay in touch with your doctor so you can keep up to date with your child’s checkups. This will also help ensure that you know the developmental milestones that you and your child are working towards.

Final Thoughts

Having a child with developmental delays can be challenging, but it’s not an insurmountable problem. Using the tips above, you can give your child confidence and help them gain the skills they need.

Developmental Delays in Children – Tips to Help Your Child Overcome Them

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